November 28


Beet Leaves Juice Recipe

When it comes to juicing, many people think of fruits and vegetables. However, there are a variety of other items that can be juiced as well – including beet leaves. Beet leaves juice is not only delicious, but also packed with nutrients.

Beet leaves are a great way to add some extra nutrients to your juicing routine. This Beet Leaves Juice Recipe is a simple and delicious way to do just that! Ingredients:

1 bunch of beet leaves 1 apple, cored and sliced 1 carrot, peeled and chopped

1 inch piece of ginger, peeled and grated juice of 1 lemon filtered water, as needed

Instructions: Simply combine all ingredients in your juicer and enjoy! If you find the taste a bit too earthy for your liking, feel free to add in a second apple or carrot.

Juicing Beets – Do you Juice the Greens? [The Answer May Surprise You]

Can I Juice the Leaves of Beets?

Yes, you can juice the leaves of beets! Beet greens are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, as well as folic acid. They can be juiced on their own or added to other vegetable juices for a nutritional boost.

When juicing beet greens, it’s best to use a slow juicer or masticating juicer to get the most out of them. This type of juicer will extract more juice and nutrients from the greens than a standard centrifugal juicer.

Are Beet Leaves Good Raw?

Beet leaves are a good source of many nutrients, including fiber, vitamin A, and potassium. They can be eaten raw or cooked. When raw, they have a slightly sweet taste and a crisp texture.

When cooked, they become tender and milder in flavor. Beet leaves are often used in salads or as a wrap for other foods.

What Can You Do With Beet Leaves?

If you find yourself with a surplus of beet leaves, don’t let them go to waste! There are plenty of things you can do with them. One option is to simply sauté the leaves in a bit of olive oil and garlic.

This makes for a delicious and healthy side dish. Another great way to use beet leaves is to add them to soups or stews. They’ll add a nice green color and extra nutrients.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you could even try making your own homemade green juice using beet leaves as one of the ingredients. Finally, if you have some extra time on your hands, you could pickle the beet leaves. This will give them an entirely new flavor that can be used in all sorts of dishes – from salads to sandwiches.

Do You Need to Peel Beets before Juicing?

No, you don’t need to peel beets before juicing. The skin is actually full of nutrients that are good for you, so it’s best to leave it on. If you’re concerned about the dirtiness of the beet, just give it a good wash before putting it in the juicer.

Beet Leaves Juice Recipe


Beet Leaves Juice Benefits

Looking for something different to add to your morning routine? How about beet leaves juice! This unique beverage is not only delicious, but it also offers a variety of health benefits.

Beet leaves are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A and C. They also contain high levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients. Studies have shown that these nutrients can help boost immunity, improve circulation, and lower blood pressure. In addition to being healthy, beet leaves juice is also said to be helpful in detoxifying the body.

Some people believe that it helps remove toxins from the liver and kidneys. It’s also thought to promote better digestion and reduce inflammation throughout the body. If you’re interested in trying beet leaves juice, you can find it at most health food stores or online retailers.

You can also purchase a juicer and make your own at home using fresh beet leaves. If you go this route, be sure to wash the leaves thoroughly before juicing them.

Can You Juice Beet Leaves And Stems

Yes, you can juice beet leaves and stems! Beet leaves are an excellent source of nutrition and can be juiced on their own or added to other juices. They are high in vitamins A and C, as well as iron and calcium.

Beet stems are also edible and nutritious, although they can be a bit tough so it’s best to add them to other juices.

Beetroot Juice Recipe for Anemia

Beetroot juice is a popular home remedy for anemia. The high levels of iron in beetroot make it a natural way to treat anemia. Beetroot also contains other nutrients that are essential for the treatment of anemia, including folic acid and vitamin C. To make a beetroot juice recipe for anemia, you will need:

1 medium sized beetroot 1 cup water 1/2 lemon, juiced

Honey (optional) Directions: Peel and chop the beetroot into small pieces.

Add the chopped beetroot, water, and lemon juice to a blender and blend until smooth. If desired, add honey to taste.


If you’re looking for a delicious and nutritious way to use up your beet leaves, look no further than this beet leaves juice recipe! Made with just a few simple ingredients, this refreshing juice is full of vitamins and minerals that are great for your health. Plus, it’s super easy to make – all you need is a juicer and some fresh beet leaves.

So what are you waiting for? Give this recipe a try today!


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